Earlier this month, I wrote about volunteering and giving back. I love volunteering, and I've recently joined the Women's Philanthropic Investment Group (WPIG), a group of talented, capable, and generally bad-ass women. I'm so proud to be part of this organization. Every two years, we pick an organization to support both financially and with volunteer hours. Every organization we choose has to meet the qualification of taking women and children from places of need to self sufficiency. Our 2011 partner was Ryther, a truly amazing Seattle organization that provides support to some of our region's most vulnerable children.
Additionally, each year, we do a fun event called PIGture Perfect, an art show and auction. Our most recent event was a few months ago, and we raised over $29,000. And, we got the amazing video made that introduces you to our organization. Please take a couple minutes to watch this video and learn more about WPIG.
WPIG of Seattle 2011 Pigture Perfect from Campfire Creative on Vimeo.
If you want to know more about WPIG, friend us on Facebook here. Or follow us on Twitter @wpigseattle. (Can you tell I chair WPIG's marketing committee?)
Jen - You are one busy lady with sooo many talents and WPIG of Seattle is lucky to have you, helping them, help others!!!!!!! Best, MF.