You may know about, the micro lending site. Here's how it works: Donors log in and pick an entrepreneur somewhere in the world that they'd like to support. Loans can be as small as $25. These loans go directly to the small business owner so that they can start, maintain, or grow their business. Many of these entrepreneurs are women in third-world countries who are working to support their families.
Since 2008, Kiva has brokered more than $293 million in loans, with an amazing $98.91% repayment rate. Learn more about them here.

I signed up this morning to support Petrona Madrigal, a woman in Nicaragua who sells grains and tortillas in her local community. Nicaragua holds a special place in my heart, as I used to live there. As Petrona grows her business, I'll get periodic reports on how it's going, and notification when my loan is repaid.
I'm really excited about this, and I hope you are too. Get involved today and let me know what you think!
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