People always ask annoying questions, in general. Remember when you were a senior in high school and everyone would ask what your major was going to be, before you even set foot on a college campus? Or, when you're graduating from college and everyone asks where you're working (as if finding a job post-college is an easy thing to do!). Or, when you're a newlywed and people ask when you're going to start having kids. The list goes on.
However (and maybe this is because I am just grumpy today), as a full-time freelancer/small business owner, I have gotten the three most annoying comments lately. Here goes...
1. "Oh, so you quit your real job?" Yep. I am now working with fake clients, on my fake computer, for fake money. Monopoly money, actually! Thanks for asking.
2. People referring to your company as your "little business". My career is not a baby or a puppy. The cutesy descriptors aren't necessary.
3. "Oh, so you're a stay-at-home wife now!" No, actually, just like everyone else, I work full-time, Monday through Friday. I'm not pretending to work so that I can stay home and let my husband make all the money. In fact, I work longer hours now than I did at my corporate job!
Preach it!