Sunday, February 19, 2012

I refuse to go to the grocery store...

Horrible photo, delicious muffins
Yesterday, the Mr. and I were out shopping. Well, errand-running that turned into a full-blown shopping trip (new pillows, tablecloth, napkins, etc at Macy's with one of their ridiculous holiday weekend coupons). I have been wanting a mini muffin pan for a while (my life is so exciting) and I finally found one at Cost Plus for $8.99. I love Cost Plus for many many reasons, but that's a whole 'nother post entirely.

Fast forward to today. After brunch with the girls, taking my dog for a long walk, cleaning the kitchen, and doing some work stuff, I really wanted to use my mini muffin pan, but I refused to go to the grocery store. 

I found some walnuts, oatmeal, eggs, and bananas that were turning brown and whipped up some delicious and semi-healthy banana walnut muffins with oatmeal and brown sugar streusel on top (Recipe can be found on Cooking Light). I love it when I can figure out something to make with ingredients I already have. It cuts down on unnecessary trips to the store, saving money on both gas and food!

Note that I used white flour, since I didn't have any wheat flour, and I'd recommend making extra streusel for the top, since what the recipe called for wasn't quite enough. And, if you are making mini muffins instead of regular, they only need to cook for about 10 minutes.

Now I'm on to organizing my closet. Productive little Sunday!


  1. Looks yummy! I know what you mean about the satisfaction of being able to bake without a trip to the store. I made a molten chocolate cake on valentine's day from things we had around the house. Delicious!

  2. Yum! That means you are able to keep chocolate in your house without somebody eating it ;)


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